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Activities - Week 9 - Tuesday

Good morning, Year 6!


To practise what you were learning yesterday, have a go at this activity.

Main Activity
Today's lesson is about multiplying decimals by whole numbers.

First, watch this video and have a go at any of the questions in it:

Then complete this worksheet: Tuesday's Maths Worksheet
(Don't forget that you can do this by writing the answers in your book or on a piece of paper - you don't need to print the sheet out.)

Then check your work against the answers: Tuesday's Maths Answers


If we have given you your username and password for Active Learn, then please log-in and complete the grammar and spelling activities that you have been assigned. (Remember that the school code is: capr.)

If you do not have your username and password for Active Learn, make sure you get them from us when we speak to you this week.

The video that we posted for GPS in Monday's blog should help you to answer this question:


This week, we are going to plan and write a story about a character who goes through a mysterious door. Today we're going to write the opening.

First, watch this video:

Then, make sure you have some paper and a pen or pencil, and follow along with our main lesson. Pause when the video asks you to pause and join in with any activities mentioned. Once the video lesson has finished, write the opening to your story (we will write the next part tomorrow). 



You might need to remind yourself of last week's R.E. learning - if you do, go back to last Tuesday's blog post and watch the video. Then, look at the representations (you might need to scroll down) of Lakshmi, Durga and Saraswati. Make a list of similarities and differences in how they are portrayed. Do you have any questions about the colours or symbols used in the different pictures?


Watch this video about Yonis: As you watch the video, think about the similarities and differences between Yonis, his family and his friends. What makes Yonis unique?

What makes you unique? Thinking about all the things which make you unique, can you design a Coat of Arms to represent yourself? You could include images to represent where you were born, the languages you speak, your hobbies, your values, your religion, details about your family... The possibilities are endless! You can learn more about coats of arms here, including how to make a shield out of cardboard, or you might just want to draw your own. There is a template here, or you can design your own.

Have a fantastic day and remember to email us about the work you've been doing! You can also send us messages and artwork to display on the school gates:

Mr Town and Ms Tupman


  1. Its alice in wonderland by hamza

  2. Can anyone explain today's GPS question? If you're stuck, watch the video we posted on Monday. We'll post our explanation later today.

    1. Here's our answer:

      In the first sentence there are two people, and in the second sentence there are three.

  3. Theres a comma there because there is more than one person it says Jake, Thomas and Lilly were coming to the barbecue

    1. So when it says "Jake Thomas and Lily" is that all one person?

      Think carefully - how many people are there in each phrase:

      1. Jake Thomas and Lily

      2. Jake, Thomas and Lily

  4. Miss when i go do my maths work it loads for a LONG time for some reason

    1. Hi Murwan, is it the video or the worksheet that takes a long time to load? We can post a screenshot of the worksheet, if that's easier? If it's the video, try looking at it on the White Rose Website

  5. Miss I sent 2 comments i cant see can you see??

    1. Hi Murwan! I've had to add comment moderation because some children are not showing polite behaviour online.

      Mr Town and I will be sent your comments, we'll check to see if they're polite, and then we will publish them.

  6. miss my sister ripped my yellow book and i had so much work in it

    1. Hi Ali, thanks for letting me know! That must be really frustrating for you. I'm sure I'll still be able to see how much work you've done when I look at your book! Can we fix the book with sellotape? Do you have enough pages left to work on, or do you need a new book? You can come to school to collect a book and/or sellotape any time before 3pm each day.

    2. Hi Ali, there is a new exercise book and some sellotape waiting for you in the school office. You can collect it any time between 9am and 3pm today, tomorrow or Friday (although I'd avoid going at lunchtime).

  7. i know another film that has a door or portal like secret garden and monster inc


    1. Oh, nice connection, Maryama! That would make for an EXCELLENT magical door story. What's your story about?


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