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Activities - Week 7 - Wednesday

Good morning, Year 6!

We hope you're having a good week so far. Well done for remembering to check the blog today!

If you haven't already, please look at Monday and Tuesday's blog posts first.

Monday: and Tuesday:

You will need to check the blog again tomorrow. Please complete all the learning that you can. If you get stuck, leave us a comment or ask us for help when we call you.


Whenever we write a sentence, we need to make sure that the subject agrees with the verb - this means that the verb makes sense with the subject (like I am hungry instead of I is hungry).

Can you write these sentences again, changing the verb so that it agrees with the subject?

a) His parents is taking him to the park.
b) Aisha and Sadiq doesn't have their P.E. kits with them today.
c) My friend like playing video games on her PS4.
d) My brother and I was watching TV this morning.
e) She haven't finished her dinner yet.


Today we are going to write the last two paragraphs of "Stuck", the story you planned on Monday. This will be the resolution and the ending.

Check your plan from Monday to remind yourself what is going to happen next.

Target: can you include some of the conjunctions from this list in your writing today?


Please remember that it is really important to try to keep reading every day. As well as any books, magazines or other reading materials you might have at home, here is a reminder of some of the activities you can be doing each day:

1. There's a new fluency lesson from Ms Davies, and it's excellent! If you haven't done the lesson yet, then you can see the video for it here. This is one my of favourite beginnings to a story - it really hooks you in!

2. There are loads of fantastic books available to read online on the GetEpic website - we can see that some of you have been using this (well done!) but we would really like to see more of you reading on there. To log on and see how many great books they have, go to and type in our class code: qav6098

3. There are also some brilliant dual language books available at These are written both in English and another language, which makes them great to read with families who don't only speak English - the list includes Somali, Arabic, Urdu and many other languages. You may need an adult to help you fill in the form to get to the books.

Word Aware

Can you twist 'Sumaya is a scientist in Switzerland' so that you use animals instead of jobs? For example: 'Fatimata is a flamingo in France'. Can you add an adjective as well? For example: 'Thomas is a terrifying tiger in Tajikistan'.


If you need help with your fractions learning, please leave us a comment. 


Spend at least five minutes playing TTRS. Practising your times tables will be really helpful for today's learning! If you want to practise a bit more, see if you can get anyone else in your family to play times tables bingo with you.

Main activity

Watch the video for Week 3, Lesson 3: Think about any questions you are asked and take part in any practice activities. Then, complete the worksheet (you can do this by writing the answers in your books - you do not need to print the worksheets).

If you can't access the worksheet on the website, you can download it here:
Wednesday's Maths Worksheet.

Check your work against the answers: Wednesday's answers.



Bonjour from Madame Cartlidge! This week, please research a French-speaking country and make a country factfile, including drawing their flag and finding out about their capital city. (There are lots of countries which have French as an official language. You might find it helpful to start by choosing a country from this list:


I have recorded a topic lesson for you about the Space Race (one of my favourite topics). There are three different activities to complete throughout the lesson. Please take part in the lesson by watching this video, pausing when you are asked to pause, and completing the activities:

This might help with Activity 1, although, as I said in the video, you could write directly into your books: Thought Bubbles of Truman and Stalin.

Here's the video I wanted to show you (the short one): YouTube video about Sputnik

Here are the other websites with information about the Cold War:

Newsround - the Cold War

To Infinity and Beyond!

Have a fantastic day,

Ms Tupman and Mr Town


  1. Today Mark's the 70th anniversary of a very important moment of history when Germany was divided into two groups the east and the west. As part of the division the Berlin wall was built in 1961 to separate the capital city between the two halves
    By hamza

    1. Check the date of the article carefully, Hamza, and make sure you've understood why I've given you a link to it. (It isn't the 70th anniversary of the separation of East and West Germany today - I've asked you to look at that page for another reason.)

      Ms Tupman


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