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Activities - Week 9 - Thursday

Good morning, Year 6!

Thank you to everyone who has sent us emails about the learning that you've been doing at home (and some lovely artwork to display on the school gates). If we haven't replied to you, then we haven't received your email! You can email us pictures of your work, questions and messages for the school gates at:


Go on Mathletics for at least 10 minutes.

Main Activity
Today's lesson is about converting between decimals and fractions.

First, watch this video and have a go at any of the questions in it:

Then complete this worksheet: Thursday's Maths Worksheet
(Don't forget that you can do this by writing the answers in your book or on a piece of paper - you don't need to print the sheet out.)

Then check your work against the answers: Thursday's Maths Answers


If we have given you your username and password for Active Learn, then please log-in and complete the reading, grammar and spelling activities that you have been assigned. (Remember that the school code is: capr.)

If you do not have your username and password for Active Learn, make sure you get them from us when we speak to you this week.

Today we're writing the next part of our story about a character who travels through a mysterious door. Follow along with the lesson below (you will need what you wrote yesterday, paper and something to write with):



First, a bit of fun: try one of these European map games or one of these World map games.

Then, follow along with today's lesson (you will need to write some rough notes during the lesson):

You might find these things helpful: fact sheet about Mount Everest; examples of diary entries and fact sheets; fact sheet template (you don't have to use this).


You have a choice between two art activities today!

1. Op Art: we started a project very similar to this earlier this year. This is one of my favourite styles of Op Art, and my notebooks are full of drawings like this!

I really like how Ms Cara explains this project, and she's added some tweaks to make it even better that I will borrow from her in the future. Follow the video lesson, joining in with the activities when the teacher asks you to. (Once you've got the hang of the curved lines and the teardrop shapes, you might want to skip ahead to 16 minutes and 30 seconds, which is where she teaches you about adding shading.)

2. If you don't want to do any Op Art today, then follow this video lesson about storytelling in art using painting, collage or printing.

Have a great day!

Mr Town and Ms Tupman


  1. Mount Everest isn't the tallest it's a Mountain in Hawaii

    1. Hi Maryama, I'm not sure if I said it was the tallest mountain in the world, or the tallest mountain in the world from sea level?

      If you measure from sea level (so the top of the sea), Mount Everest is the tallest - it is the highest altitude in the world that you can reach by walking, because it's 8,848 metres above sea level.

      However, if you measure from the sea bed, then Mauna Kea, in Hawai'i is tallest. It's only 4,207 metres above sea level, but most of it is below sea level. Measured from the sea bed, Mauna Kea is 10,200 metres tall, making it the world's tallest mountain and volcano (if you measure from its underwater base)!

      Did you know that the tallest mountain in the solar system (that we know about) is on Mars? It's called Olympus Mons and it's over 21 kilometres tall!

  2. i recognise that picture i think it was Tenzing Norgay and the person who took that picture was Edmund Hillary the first people to climb Mount Everest

  3. i recognised that picture i think it was Tenzing Norgay and the person who took that picture was Edmund Hillary the first people to climb Mount Everest .


    1. Thank you for giving me that wonderful history / topic lesson

    2. I'm not sure whether you're thanking Maryama or me, Faysal... Either way, you're welcome! Hope you and your family are doing well!


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