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Activities - Week 8 - Friday

Good morning, Year 6!

If you haven't managed to do any topic learning so far this week, please make sure you do some today. You have got lots to pick from! There's science and P.E. in Monday's blog, R.E. and PSHE in Tuesday's blog, French and history in Wednesday's blog, geography and art in Thursday's blog post, and computing (and a library activity) in today's blog post.

We will be asking you to email us a photo to show us some of the work you have been doing from this week onwards, so do make sure that you are keeping up with your learning activities. The email address to use to contact us is: (you can also use the email for any questions you want to ask us).

You can also use this email address to send us any messages or art that you'd like us to display on the school gates for the community to see.


If we have given you your username and password for Active Learn, then please log-in and complete the spelling games that you have been assigned. (Remember the school code: capr)

If we have not give you your username and password for Active Learn, then please complete the following handwriting practice:

Check you know what all of the -ible and -able words in the list mean, and then decide which word completes which sentence. Then, in your neatest handwriting, on lined paper, write out each complete sentence. 


In the sentences below, the adverb ‘slowly’ is used to describe how the man enters the room. Adverbs are like roving reporters – they can be moved around the sentence, e.g.

a) The man went in, slowly.
b) Slowly, the man went in.
c) The man went slowly in.
d The man slowly went in.

Where would you put the adverb? How does the meaning of the sentence change as the adverb moves?

By changing the position of the adverb, we can often either alter the meaning or add emphasis to a sentence. In this instance, by placing the slowly at the end, we infer that the character has a heightened awareness of the situation they are in and therefore deliberately enters with caution.

Try playing around with the adverb position in the following sentences. Consider how it alters the meaning and where the emphasis is best placed. Where else could the adverb go?

1. Cautiously, Samantha crept towards the door that stood before her.

2. Sadly, the boy stared out of the window.

Challenge: try this out with a sentence of your own.


Go on Mathletics for at least 10 minutes.

Main Activity
How many of these challenges can you complete? Post your answers in the comments below! (Or email us at




Review your knowledge of algorithms and debugging by reading the information on this page and watching the two videos: Algorithms and Debugging. Then, pick one of activities on the Hour of Code website to help you practise your skills.

(There are also three activities at the end of the BBC Bitesize site which I've linked you to - you can complete these instead, if you'd prefer.)


Listen to either this extract of 'Murder Most Unladlylike' or this extract of 'Charlie Changes into a Chicken'.

You can also choose another book to listen to here: Online Storytime Book List (click on the blue links beneath the 'SCAN ME' QR code). Ms Tupman particularly recommends Orphans of the Tide!

Have a great weekend and remember to email us some of your work!

Mr Town and Ms Tupman


  1. Challenge 1: There were 3 muffins left
    Challenge 2: She payed 15p.
    Challenge 3:He is 24 because the next year he is 25.
    Challenge 4:I think it is 36m.
    Challenge 5:And working on this

    1. Good work Amira!

      If you are stuck on number 5, a good place to start might be: which two of the digits multiply to give a 1 in the ones column?

      Mr Town

  2. Challenge 1. There are 3 muffins left.
    Challenge 2. She pays 15p
    Challenge 3. I think the answer is 24 because there is no multiple of 4 that after it is a multiple of 5.
    Challenge 4. I think the answer is 26.6666666667 because if u split 8 because if u times 2.6666666667 by 3 u will get 8.000000001 which is close enough.
    Challenge 5. Working still
    By hamza

    1. Answers 1 to 3 sound good...

      For number 4, I can see why you have divided 8 by 3... But look carefully at the picture. Between tree 1 and tree 3 there are 2 spaces, and the total distance of these 2 spaces is 8 metres. So what is the distance of one space (between tree 1 and tree 2)?

      If you are stuck on number 5, a good place to start might be: which two of the digits multiply to give a 1 in the ones column?

      Mr Town

  3. Challenge 1. 3 muffins left

    Challenge 2. i was stuck on

    Challenge 3. 24 years old because after 24 hes gonna turn 25 next year

    Challenge 4 i think is 24 because if u count them in 8 because they are 8 metres they become 24 then theres one tree left

    Challenge 5. Still working on

    1. Well done, Murwan! Challenge 1 and 3 look correct to me.

      Challenge 2: what's a quarter (or 1/4) of 20? If you can calculate this, then you can work out what Lola's mum paid and what Lola paid.

      Challenge 4: I can see why you've counted in 8s, but this hasn't worked, because you have one tree left. Look carefully at the picture. It shows you the distance between trees 4 and 6. Which tree is in the middle? Oh yes, tree 5. What's the distance between tree 4 and tree 5? Use this to help you find the distance between trees 1 and 10.

      Challenge 5: I'm still working on this one, too! What do you think the solution is?

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. Challenge one . 3 are left over.
    Challenge two. Pays 15.
    Challenge three stuck on .
    Challenge 4. It's 24 because if you count in 8 it becomes 24.
    Challenge 5.stuck .

    1. Hi Masoud,

      1. There's no need to accuse Murwan of copying!

      2. With question 3, you know that the teacher is older than 18 and younger than 42. You also know that this year his age is a multiple of 4 and next year his age will be a multiple of 5. So, which numbers between 19 and 41 are multiples of 4? Are any of those multiples of 4 followed by a number which is a multiple of 5? (If you can't remember what a multiple is, some multiples of 7 include: 21, 28, 35, 42...)

      3. I'm a bit stuck on Challenge 5. Mr Town has given Amira and Hamza some good advice if you look further up. Once I've figured it out, I'll see if I can give you a bit more of a hint!

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Challenge 5: I rewrote it to show all the steps in the long multiplication, like this:

      X ??
      = 15741

      Then I did what Mr Town suggested (I looked for two digits to multiply to get an answer with a 1 in the ones column).

  6. By the it's done by masoud

  7. Challenge 1: 3 muffins left
    Challenge 2: 16p
    Challenge 3: 24 years old
    Challenge 4: 40 metres
    Challenge 5: 583 X 27 =15741

    1. Good work Salah!

      Check number 2... (maybe start with: what is one quarter of 20?)

      Number 4 - you are really close... Work out what the space between two trees is, then multiply by how many spaces there are (not how many trees)

      Number 5 - well done! How did you work it out?

      Mr Town

  8. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  9. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.


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