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Activities - Week 8 - Thursday

Good morning, Year 6!

Make sure you've checked the blog posts for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday first. Then, have a look at today's learning activities.

We will be asking you to email us a photo to show us some of the work you have been doing from this week onwards, so do make sure that you are keeping up with your learning activities. The email address to use to contact us is: (you can also use the email for any questions you want to ask us).


Watch this video on semi-colons (this is an American video, so they use the word 'period' instead of 'full stop'). Then, answer the question below.

Challenge: write a sentence of your own that uses a semi-colon accurately. 


In the extract of The Snow-Walker's Son (that was part of Tuesday's literacy learning), the author uses groups of three actions in some of her sentences to give a sense of pace to her writing. This creates a good balance between action and description in the text. Here are some examples from the text:

Can you write five of your own sentences which use this technique? You can pick what they're about! (If you're stuck, use an idea from the 'Stuck' story you wrote last week.)


Have a go at Crystal Crash (a game about fractions of numbers).Scroll down to see the instructions and the game.

Main Activity

Today's lesson is about finding fractions of amounts.

First, watch this video and have a go at any of the questions in it: Thursday's Maths Video

Then complete this worksheet: Thursday's Maths Worksheet
(Don't forget that you can do this by writing the answers in your book or on a piece of paper - you don't need to print the sheet out.)

Then check your work against the answers: Thursday's Maths Answers



Read the information and watch the videos on this BBC Bitesize site: Then, complete either Activity 2 (give a presentation on sustainability) or Activity 3 (plastics challenge).


Activity 1 - Messages to our community! Those of you who live close to school may already have seen some messages that have started to appear on the school gates (the photo at the top of this blog post shows some of them). We'd like to display your art and/or messages to your friends, family, teachers and others (including key workers) in our community. You can either email your messages to us at: and we will print them off for you, or you can bring them into the office and leave them in the tray that says 'please leave messages here'. Your messages can be drawn, written, painted or entirely electronic. It's up to you! This will be an ongoing activity, and we will add extra photos to show you how our wall of messages develops.

Activity 2 - Continue our learning on texture by following along with this lesson: Texture Lesson 2. Pause when the video tells you to stop, and join in with the activities. We'd love to see photos of your finished artwork! Remember that you can email it to us. (In places, the sound fades a little at the start of this video - don't worry, it gets better and it's clear what you need to do!)

Have a great day and please start sending us photos of your work and messages to share with our local community!

Ms Tupman and Mr Town


  1. How do you post a picture on the

    1. Hi Hamza, you'll need to be logged into one of your parents' email accounts. Write a new email to:, and you should see the option to attach or insert a file (in my email account, this looks a little bit like a paperclip). Click on that, and then it will ask you where you want to insert a file from. You will then be able to click on 'images' or 'gallery' (or whatever photos are saved under on the phone), and then choose the photo you want to upload. When you're ready, send the email.

      I'm not sure if that's enough information or not - Mr Town or I can talk you through it over the phone, if it's easier?

    2. Well done, Hamza, I can see that you have emailed us some fantastic maths!

    3. Thank you for your email Hamza - well done! I have sent you a reply...

      Mr Town


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