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Activities - Week 12 - Tuesday

Good morning, Year 6!

It's Empathy Day today! When has someone shown you empathy? Who or what has made you feel empathy? Let us know what you do to mark Empathy Day by emailing us at or by telling us in school on Wednesday.


To practise your skills from yesterday, have a go at this function machine game.

Main Activity

Today's lesson is about forming expressions.

First, watch this video and have a go at any of the questions in it:

Then complete this worksheet: Tuesday's Maths Worksheet.

(Don't forget that you can do this by writing the answers in your book or on a piece of paper - you don't need to print the sheet out.)

Then check your work against the answers: Tuesday's Maths Answers.


Finish off your persuasive text by following the video lesson:

GPS - Spelling

Watch the video, read the information and take part in the activity on how to spell the 'shun' sound.



Follow along with today's lesson on Navratri:

This is the link to the website that goes with today's lesson: Navratri


Task 1 - Anti-racism protests: how do you feel about the protests? Some members of the government have said that racism is an American problem, not a British one. Do you agree or disagree? Watch what Raheem Sterling has to say and what children in America are saying.

Some people around the UK, including teachers, are saying that we need to change the curriculum so that we teach more black history throughout the year (and teach that black history isn't just slavery). What do you think?

Task 2 - It's Empathy Day! Pick one of the activities here: Empathy Day

Have a great day! We're really looking forward to seeing you at school tomorrow! If you've been told you're in Mr Town's group, you should arrive at 8:45am. If you've been told you're in Ms Tupman's group, you should arrive at 9am. If you're not sure whose group you're in, check the letter we emailed you on Friday!

Mr Town and Ms Tupman


  1. Ok so I disagree with the government because we have had racism all around the world and there are millions of people in the UK too have be racist about people who have different skin.
    So the government are wrong it effects everyone because if u have cousin's in America or in minneapolis you would be worried bc imagine if it was one them it could of been but lucky it's not. But it has a huge impact on the world 🌎 and we do something to change it even if u live the UK we have to work together and try and stop this even if u can't stop all of it just try and make a difference.Even a tiny difference it will still change the world.

    1. What a brilliant comment, Amira! I agree: even small changes can change the world.


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