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Activities - Week 11 - Wednesday

Good morning, Year 6!


To warm up, have a go at a Daily 10 Maths Challenge. Choose your own level of challenge and skill to practise. Have a few goes and see if you can beat your previous score. Or you could challenge someone else in your family!

Main Activity
Today's lesson is about ordering fractions, decimals and percentages.

First, watch this video and have a go at any of the questions in it:

Then complete this worksheet: Wednesday's Maths Worksheet
(Don't forget that you can do this by writing the answers in your book or on a piece of paper - you don't need to print the sheet out.)

Then check your work against the answers: Wednesday's Maths Answers


How are the apostrophes being used in each sentence? If you're not sure, watch the video in Tuesday's blog post about apostrophes to show a contraction and the video in Monday's blog post about possession.


Follow along with the video lesson about writing a persuasive text about a gadget:



🇫🇷 🥞 🇫🇷 French at Home with Madame Cartlidge 🇫🇷 🥞 🇫🇷

Bonjour les enfants !

Can you guess this week’s French activity from the pictures....?? It’s time to get into la cuisine (kitchen) and make some crêpes (pancakes) !

If you can’t do any cooking, then why not make a menu for une crêperie (a pancake restaurant), draw some pictures and include all of these toppings:
le chocolat
le citron
la confiture
la banane
le sucre

See if you can find out what these words mean and choose your favourite.

Bon appetit !


Follow along with the video lesson on the Space Race:

This is the video to help you with Activity 3 (the Apollo 1 disaster):

The other videos I mentioned are available here:

Have a fantastic day and keep the emails coming to:

Mr Town and Ms Tupman


  1. Miss when I do my math sheet it says the answers


  2. Oops sorry I'm soo dumb that's there maths sheets answers sorry

    1. You're not dumb, Murwan - it was an easy mistake to make! Did you find the worksheet?

  3. Yes eventually 😃


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