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Activities - Week 12 - Friday

Good morning, Year 6!

Please use today to make sure you are up to date with Wednesday and Thursday's literacy lessons, as well as any topic learning you haven't done yet.

Topic learning is posted on the blog as follow:

Mondays: science and P.E.
Tuesdays: R.E. and PSHE
Wednesday: French and History
Thursday: Geography and Art/Music/DT
Friday: Computing and the Library

If you haven't already watched it, then we'd recommend that you watch Newsround's special programme on racism - we watched it and discussed it this week at school.

Remember that you can email us if you have any problems or questions, or if you just want to share your work. Are you at home? Do you have any messages for your friends at school? Email us and we'll pass them on.


Footie boots

The Friday Maths Challenge is a bit different this week... BBC Bitesize have teamed up with Premier League Primary Stars to bring you some football-themed activities!

Head over to this page and watch the video, then read the information in Parts A and B.

After that, have a go at the quiz (Activity 1).

Then, try answering these questions (you can choose whether to attempt Level 1, 2 or 3).


We will return to our Non-chronological report on the Rhiswanozebtah on Monday, when some of you are in school. We will post different literacy activities on Fridays.

Miss Davies has a brilliantly scary short story for your literacy lesson today:

I'm not sure I'll be happy getting into a lift anytime soon!

Also try to log on to either ActiveLearn or GetEpic and read some books online. Remember to complete the quizzes!

GPS - Handwriting

Go to Letter-Join and log in using the information below:

When you log in your should see a home learning task pop up: search for the Word of the Week worksheet. The word of the week is 'prominent'. Follow the prompts on the worksheet in your exercise books. Use your neatest handwriting!



Improve your typing skills with Dance Mat Typing.


Check out the Puffin Festival of Big Dreams. There are lots of different videos to watch, and they'll be uploading more videos every day from 8th - 14th June. (Information about what's still to come is on Puffin's website:

Want more reading? Then take a look at this year's Summer Reading Challenge

Have a great weekend!

Ms Tupman and Mr Town


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