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Activities - Week 15 - Wednesday

Good morning, Year 6!

You should all have had an email from us on Friday with a letter about Year 6 hoodies. Please ask your parents to send us a reply today. They don't have to send the letter back - just an email or phone call will do. Thank you to everyone who has already replied!


To warm up, have a go at a Daily 10 Maths Challenge. Choose your own level of challenge and skill to practise. Have a few goes and see if you can beat your previous score. Or you could challenge someone else in your family!

Main Activity

Today's lesson is more about angles in triangles.

First, watch this video and have a go at any of the questions in it:

Then complete this worksheet: Wednesday's Maths Worksheet.

(Don't forget that you can do this by writing the answers in your book or on a piece of paper - you don't need to print the sheet out.)

Then check your work against the answers: Wednesday's Maths Answers.


We're writing the Habitat section of our report today. Follow along with the video lesson:




🇫🇷 🌈 ☁️ ☀️ 🇫🇷 French at home with Madame Cartlidge 🇫🇷 🌈 ☁️ ☀️ 🇫🇷

Bonjour les enfants!

What strange weather we have had this week ! It has been hot, cold, rainy, stormy windy and sunny - and that is just today!

So I have a special weather activity for you to do - there is the chance to learn how to say all the different kinds of weather in French, before playing some games and learning a song.  

When you have finished, you could draw a picture of the weather today and label in in French. If you take your picture to school, you might even see it on the displayed on the fence!


Either: Investigate exoplanets (planets beyond our solar system). Pick a planet to explore from the Exoplanet Travel Bureau . Why did you pick this planet? What did you learn? Do you think humans will ever travel to this planet? If you had the opportunity to travel beyond our solar system, would you take it?

Or: Historically, there have been very few female and very few BAME astronauts compared to white, male astronauts. How could we change this in the future? What would encourage you to become an astronaut? Would you want to visit the International Space Station, the Moon or another planet?

Have a great day!

Mr Town and Ms Tupman


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