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PE and exercise links

Good morning, Year 6!

Lots of you have been telling us that you're a bit bored stuck indoors, and you'd like to do some exercise. Here's a reminder of some of the places you can find videos to exercise with, or other ideas for keeping yourselves fit and healthy:

Daily P.E. with Joe Wicks

If you have a garden, you can use that for games, too, and we are still allowed to go outside for some exercise such as a walk, bike ride, scoot or run, as long as we make sure that:

  • it is with the same people that we live with, and we don't meet up with other friends or family;
  • we stay 2 metres away from anyone else who is outside.
You could even set up your own fitness circuit, with different exercises to do in different places (skipping, star jumps, running on the spot, squats etc.), or you could choose six exercises, give each a number between 1 and 6, and roll your dice to see which exercise you have to do (or, roll twice to see how many times you need to do it).

Happy Friday,

Ms Tupman and Mr Town


  1. Is there a free book website from Ms Davis

    1. Hi Abdi, there are some websites listed in Monday's post (Week 3). Hope you're well! Ms Tupman


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