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Extra activities from Miss Ali and Miss Davies

Hello Year 6!

Please watch this short video.

Please watch the video again and think about these questions.

1. What is fasting?
2. Who fasts?
3. When do Muslims fast?
4. Why do Muslims fast?

Please write down your answers to these questions. You can use your exercise book with lines or any piece of paper.


How do you think Muslims feel when they fast?

If you know someone who is fasting; ask them how they feel when they are fasting.

Hope you are well,

Miss Ali


Hello Year 6,

Mantralingua, who make fabulous dual language books, have free access to their ebook library.  

They have books in 37 languages, including many of those spoken at Cabot.  

Here is a link to their website:

In order to access the books, you will need to complete some details (see below):

Once your have entered your details, you will be able to access their library.


Miss Davies


  1. By hamza
    Fasting is when you give up all food for approximately 18 hours to see how it is to have no food
    Most Muslims will fast unless they have difficulties or they are sick fasting is a must if u are fit and healthy
    Muslims start the fast in the early hours the feast before the fajr salah is called suhoor as soon as it is fajr you cannot eat anything till the magrib salah which is at 8:00
    Muslims fast for 2 different reasons one because are prophet Muhammad ( salah la hu alayhi wa Salem) and the second I mentioned earlier because they are trying to feel how it is like to have no food
    I think Muslims feel proud of themselves for fasting because they put a lot of effort into fasting and I think they feel hungry sometimes because most people around them are eating

    1. Thanks for sharing, Hamza! Do you think it's easier to fast when you're at home or at school?

      I've really been enjoying reading your comments about Ramadan. I'd love to see some comments from you about other areas of your learning too - please do share the writing, maths and topic work you've been learning about!

  2. 1. Fasting is when you dont eat food for a certaint amount of time and you break it when it is iftar.
    2. Many Muslims will fast over the age of 11 or even if ur 11 so when your over 11 you have to fast unless ur sick or something.
    3.They fast on the month of Ramadan and the month is called Ramadan. We wake up for suhoor then we eat before fajr prayer after fajr prayer you can not eat and you will continue all the way untill magrib prayer around 8:30.
    4.We fast because Prophet Muhammad (PBUH or salah la hu alayhi wa salem) And we know that some ppl dont have any food so we see how its like. We should be proud of ourselves for being a great Muslims and be happy with who we are.

    1. Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us, Amira. How is fasting going? Is it easier when the weather's cooler or when it's warmer? What's your favourite thing about Ramadan? What's something that Ramadan has helped you with?

      I'd love to see some of the other things you've been learning about too - please post some of the writing, maths or topic work that you've been learning about!


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