Hello Year 6! Please watch this short video. https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/class-clips-video/religious-education-ks2-my-life-my-religion-ramadan-and-eid-ul-fitr/zdv7pg8 Please watch the video again and think about these questions. 1. What is fasting? 2. Who fasts? 3. When do Muslims fast? 4. Why do Muslims fast? Please write down your answers to these questions. You can use your exercise book with lines or any piece of paper. Extension: How do you think Muslims feel when they fast? If you know someone who is fasting; ask them how they feel when they are fasting. Hope you are well, Miss Ali ****************** Hello Yea r 6, Mantralingua, who make fabulous dual language books, have free access to their ebook library. They have books in 37 languages, including many of those spoken at Cabot. Here is a link to their website: https://uk.mantralingua.com/homereading . In order to access the books, y...