Hello Year 6! It's Mr Town here. I hope you are all doing ok! It was really nice to see some of you while I was making some deliveries with Mr Shamsudin and Mrs Holian, and it has been great to catch up with others on the phone. There has been some lovely sunshine over the past few days; don't forget that even though we have been asked to stay at home as much as possible, we are still allowed to go outside for some exercise like a walk or a run once a day, as long as we make sure that: it is with the same people that we live with, and we don't meet up with other friends or family we stay 2 metres away from anyone else who is outside If you can't get outside, or if you just want to get some extra indoor exercise, remember that every day at 9.00am Joe Wicks is streaming a new P.E. workout on his Youtube channel at https://www.youtube.com/thebodycoachtv , which you can also watch later. (I have been doing this myself - I am hoping that by the end of the is...