As part of our topic learning we have focused on which countries the Anglo Saxons came from and why? We have made the link between them and the Vikings.
In English, our current unit of learning is instructional writing and as a pat of this we have followed instructions to make our own Viking long boats have a look at our results.
We then went on to write our own instructions to make a Viking sea crossing and have learnt to play a board game or tafl game ( meaning table) which Vikings played: nowadays the game is known as Nine Men’s Morris and are writing the instructions for others to play. Here is a link to a site that tells you all about it.
In maths, we have been learning formal methods of multiplication and are now about to move onto formal methods of division.
In music, we have been learning the song 'those magnificent men in their flying machines and we have tried to recreate the sound of an aeroplane taking off and flying overhead using percussion instruments
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