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Term 3: Goodbyes


Today was a bittersweet day; Year 6 were this week's joint Golden Ticket winners for our fantastic walking around the school and how quickly we settled to learning time. We also had several sweet treats, including these amazing chocolate muffins which were prepared very carefully for us!

However, it was our last day with Mrs Holian, who is about to start maternity leave. We spent a lot of time this week making fantastic congratulations and good luck for her. Year 6 had a lot of fun finding baby jokes to add to the cards!

Mrs Holian also gave us awesome personalised pencils, several sweet treats, and three class presents. We're really excited to read 'Amazing Muslims Who Changed the World'  by Burhana Islam, to hatch our 'dinosaur egg' and to play the Yes! No! Game. Thank you so much, Mrs Holian! We've really enjoyed you being our teacher and we can't wait to meet your baby!


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