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Showing posts from September, 2020

This week in Year 6

  This week has been a busy week. We have used the new ICT suite to code using Scratch, we continue to look at  Here We Are  by Oliver Jeffers as our key for English and in maths we have been looking as translations and reflection of shapes on coordinate grids and are now moving onto place value up to 10,000,000 ! We are using equipment to support our learning. Look out for our overview of this term's learning which is going home Friday 18th September. A few reminders Homework is Mathletics, TTRS and reading PE is on a Monday- Please come dressed in your PE kit Bring a water bottle to and from school daily Reading books are changed on a Wednesday

A new start to a new academic year

Welcome to Year Six! It doesn’t seem two minutes since the children were starting in reception and here they are embarking on their final year at Cabot Primary School. Year six is a challenging year; the best way to describe it is like a roller coaster ride a lots of highs and a few lows! In year six we have SATs and we work really hard to ensure that all the children have the best opportunity possible to achieve their full potential. However, we also try to ensure that we have fun along the way and provide the children with some lovely lasting memories. We, as a school, want to ensure that your child reaches his/her full potential, emotionally, socially and academically and we feel that this is best achieved when we work alongside parents. We have had a great first day back to school and we look forward to sharing our learning our journey with you on this blog. If you would like to speak to someone in the team then please either phone the main office or drop  them an email an...